Aqua Jogger Aqua Jive CD

Aqua Jogger Aqua Jive CD

Aqua Jogger Aqua Jive CD Rating:
List Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $9.61
(as of 08/28/2015 22:23 UTC - Details)

Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Product Description

AquaJogger features an impact free audio instructional CD.Featuring award winning instructor, Karen AndesAquaJogger's Deep Water 3-in-1 workoutIt's aerobic, provides muscle conditioning and helps increase flexibility, all at the same time30 minutes of upbeat workout music & poolside instructionContains exercise chart of the 8 moves used throughout the CD


  • Featuring award winning instructor, Karen Andes
  • AquaJogger's Deep Water 3-in-1 workout
  • It's aerobic, provides muscle conditioning and helps increase flexibility, all at the same time
  • 30 minutes of upbeat workout music & poolside instruction
  • Contains exercise chart of the 8 moves used throughout the CD

Aqua Jogger Aqua Jive CD 3.3 out of 5 based on 7 ratings.
Aquatic Fitness $14.99

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