j/fit Deluxe Doorway Pull-Up Bar

j/fit Deluxe Doorway Pull-Up Bar

j/fit Deluxe Doorway Pull-Up Bar Rating:
List Price: $32.99
Sale Price: $26.41
(as of 08/13/2015 18:03 UTC - Details)

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Every home gym should have one. Turn your door frame into a powerful workout station. Chin ups and pull ups develop upper body strength and are great for children and adults. Adjustable length from 26" to 40" (55cm to 102cm) to fit most doorframes. Sturdy steel construction provides excellent support.


  • Achieve a challenging upper body workout in a minimum of space
  • Perform pull-ups and chin-ups in any standard doorframe
  • Expandable from 26 to 40 Inch wide
  • Sturdy steel construction offers durability and excellent support
  • Holds up to 250 pounds

j/fit Deluxe Doorway Pull-Up Bar 4.2 out of 5 based on 296 ratings.
Pull-Up Bars $32.99

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