MELT Soft Body Roller

MELT Soft Body Roller

MELT Soft Body Roller Rating:
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(as of 08/28/2015 18:53 UTC - Details)

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Product Description

Anyone can use this specialized roller to help eliminate chronic pain, improve performance, or just feel fantastic in 10 minutes a day! The roller's size, softness, and quality are designed and developed to maximize the benefits of MELT Method.


  • MELT Soft Body Roller is designed to simulate the results of hands-on manual therapy treatments.
  • The only roller designed specifically for the techniques of the MELT Method, offering gentle compression without unnecessary discomfort.
  • MELT Soft Body Roller is 36 inches long and 5 inches across.
  • The MELT Method book provides step-by-step instructions on how to use your MELT roller.
  • MELT Soft Body Roller is latex free.

MELT Soft Body Roller 3.6 out of 5 based on 51 ratings.
Balance Trainers

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