StiX Adjustable Buoyancy Jumbo Floats for Strobe Arms for Underwater Photography

StiX Adjustable Buoyancy Jumbo Floats for Strobe Arms for Underwater Photography

StiX Adjustable Buoyancy Jumbo Floats for Strobe Arms for Underwater Photography Rating:
List Price: unavailable
Sale Price: $44.98
(as of 08/29/2015 15:14 UTC - Details)

Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Product Description

StiX Adjustable Buoyancy Jumbo Floats for Ultralight Strobe Arms provide the ability to adjust the buoyancy of your underwater camera system utilizing your current Ultralight arms. The StiX system utilizes a non compressible foam float to adjust the buoyancy of your camera system. By adding or removing different sized floats from the arms, a camera system can be dialed in with the exact buoyancy a shooter desires.Sold in a pack of four, the large floats kit provides a total of 1.6 lbs. of lift with a travel weight of only 4.3 oz. These floats are roughly 2" by 2".


  • Provides 1.6 lbs of flotation

StiX Adjustable Buoyancy Jumbo Floats for Strobe Arms for Underwater Photography 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
Aquatic Fitness

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