Thera-Band Dyna-Band Exercise Bands, Silver, Extra Heavy Resistance, Bulk Roll

Thera-Band Dyna-Band Exercise Bands, Silver, Extra Heavy Resistance, Bulk Roll

Thera-Band Dyna-Band Exercise Bands, Silver, Extra Heavy Resistance, Bulk Roll Rating:
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Sale Price: Too low to display.
(as of 08/29/2015 06:33 UTC - Details)

Availability: unspecified

Product Description

6" wide x 50 yard latex sheets provide positive and negative force on muscles to improve strength and range of motion Tear resistant Cut to a comfortable exercise length Use in single strips or doubled up for increased resistance Extra heavy resistance - adults


  • Silver - Adult 50 yd. roll

Thera-Band Dyna-Band Exercise Bands, Silver, Extra Heavy Resistance, Bulk Roll 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
Exercise Bands

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