Trigger Point Performance Sleeve for Two Trigger Point Massage Balls

Trigger Point Performance Sleeve for Two Trigger Point Massage Balls

Trigger Point Performance Sleeve for Two Trigger Point Massage Balls Rating:
List Price: $9.99
Sale Price: $8.96
(as of 08/12/2015 00:50 UTC - Details)

Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Effectively target more than one area of your mid and upper-back with the TP 2-Ball.  This sleeve is designed to house two TP Massage Balls next to one another, in a peanut shape, reaching either side of the spine, upper back and other targeted areas, with a controlled and even-movement.


  • Designed to house two Trigger Point Massage Balls next to one another for an alternative type of massage
  • Sleeve allows you to effectively target more than one area of your mid and upper back
  • Can be used to reach either side of the spine, upper back, and other targeted areas of the upper and lower-body
  • Trigger Point massage balls sold separately
  • Preferred massage tool for use with the Trigger Point Upper Body Guidebook

Trigger Point Performance Sleeve for Two Trigger Point Massage Balls 3.9 out of 5 based on 16 ratings.
Balance Trainers $9.99

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