WOSS Steel Ring Side Beam Anchor Mount.

WOSS Steel Ring Side Beam Anchor Mount.

WOSS Steel Ring Side Beam Anchor Mount. Rating:
List Price: unavailable
Sale Price: $9.99
(as of 08/21/2015 06:03 UTC - Details)

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Product Description

The system comes with the Drive Bit for easy installation. No pre-drilling required - the screws are self tapping. Use it on your porch outside, or other outdoor structure.


  • The NEW WOSS Side Beam Anchor System is even better then ever now!
  • You can anchor your system on the door header or on the side of any rafter or beam
  • The NEW Anchor System comes with 1x Ring Anchor Plate, 4x 2" long self-tapping Ceramic Coated Construction Lag Screws,
  • A 2in Star Drive bit (for easy installation) and a Carabiner are also included, so you can use it with any Suspension system
  • The ring anchor plate is made out of 2.00 mm sheet metal and a 7.0 mm 2 inch ring. The hole pattern is 2" wide x 1-3/16" tall

WOSS Steel Ring Side Beam Anchor Mount. 4.5 out of 5 based on 36 ratings.
Home Gyms

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